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Ways I'm Able to Help

TLDR: email me at josh at

Hiring Retrospective - Advancement Rate

After interviewing all Summer and Fall, we’ve found the next member of our OfficeLuv Product Team, a talented and thoughtful software engineer.

Hiring Retrospective - Interview Steps

After interviewing all Summer and Fall, we’ve found the next member of our OfficeLuv Product Team, a talented and thoughtful software engineer.

On Adding React Native to Existing iOS and Android Apps

I write in defense of the beliefs I fear are least defensible. Everything else feels like homework.
- Sarah Manguso, 300 Arguments

Migrating a MongoDB App Datastore to PostgreSQL

A couple weeks ago, Narro had a nice uptick in usage from Pro users that resulted in a large increase in data stored by the application. That is always pleasant but this time, I had a corresponding uptick in price for the data storage. Time for a change!

Rate-Limit Your Node.js API in Mongo

Update: After a request by Jason Humphrey, I’ve released this implementation as a standalone NPM module: mongo-throttle.

Bad Graphs in the Wild

Is this intentionally misleading?

How To Link Like You Mean It

Links within your text do two things:

Your App Is Not Better Than An Open Protocol

Open protocols power the web. They should be powering the interactions to your next application, too. RSS, SMS, plaintext-email, HTML5 - these are the easiest, fastest ways to get users into your system. Open protocols are the lowest barriers to entry. Your potential users already have them and know exactly how to use them!

Error Tracking in gatrack.js

I’m releasing a new gatrack.js this week (previously introduced back in January). Amongst some minor fallback improvements, the main changes are:

The Great Discontent Issue One - First Look

I was eager to back the Kickstarter campaign for the first physical issue of The Great Discontent back in early February. The investment paid off on Thursday afternoon when I picked up my copy from the mailroom.